Limbic System Rewire

Brain Rewiring Coaches Helping People Balance Their Nervous System So They Can Live Healthy And Happy Again!

Learn the Powerful Method of Christ-centered Neuroplasticity

  • Are You Still Struggling With Multiple Symptoms Despite Having Gone Through Many Protocols?

  • Have You Ever Wondered If Getting Your Health Back Has To Be This Complicated?

  • Are You Sick Of Worrying About Reacting To Every Little Food Or Thing In The Environment?

  • Are You Ready To Finally Get Rid Of Brain Fog, Fatigue, Anxiety, Insomnia, Sensitivities, And Digestive Symptoms?

You CAN Get Back To Your Happy,

Healthy Vibrant Self With Christ And Brain Rewiring Techniques...

Brooklyn & Nick Hanna

About Us

Brooklyn is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Coach, and Registered Nurse who specializes in brain retraining. Nick is a Certified Christian Life Coach who also specializes in brain retraining. Brooklyn got hit with over 20 chronic symptoms after toxic mold exposure as well as various other stressors. She went to dozens of doctors, both conventional and natural. She had some improvements with functional medicine: running labs, detox, supplement protocols, etc. but she knew something was missing because she was not seeing the result she desired. She then discovered brain rewiring/neuroplasticity and went “all in” giving it her 100% focus. Out of all of the things she has tried she says brain retraining has made the biggest impact in reversing many chronic symptoms, leading to her recovery! Brooklyn created her own brain retraining program called Limbic System Rewire to help others rewire their brain for health, happiness, and Christ. Through this whole journey, Nick has been by her side and has seen it all. Nick has watched her life be completely transformed through brain rewiring and Christ. He has always had a deep desire to come alongside and help people, so Brooklyn trained Nick on her Limbic System Rewire program. They are now helping others walk in spirit and deepen their relationship with Christ and use neuroplasticity skills to balance the nervous system.

You’re In The Right Place If…

  • You Are Still Have Multiple Symptoms After Trying Many Different Supplement Protocols

  • You Have At Least One Chronic (Long Term) Symptom Such As Brain Fog, Sensitivities, Fatigue, Digestive Problems, Insomnia, Anxiety, Etc.

  • You Have To Be On A Strict Diet To Feel Better

  • You Are Sensitive To Light, Sound, Food, Supplements, Mold, Emf, Chemicals, Etc.

  • You Want To Deepen Your Relationship With Christ.

  • You Are Interested In Transforming Your Health Mentally/Emotionally, Spiritually, And Physically

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